Technical control

All our raw materials pass incoming quality control for compliance with the technological requirements of OOO "ZOOM" and technical conditions of the suppliers.

List of the main stages of the incoming control of the substrate film:

- thickness, mm;

- width, mm;

- tensile strength, MPa;

- elongation, %;

- activation (treatment by coronary discharge), dine/ cm;

- weight of the film sheets with a density of 1 m2, g / m2;

- optical density;

- curling (warping);

- light resistance of printing ink;

- adhesion of printing ink to the film sheet.


List of the main stages of the incoming control of the dispersion adhesives:

-number of hydrogen ions (pH);

- assumed viscosity, sec;

- foam formation;

- adhesion on the laboratory sample, g / 25 mm. 

End products of the "ZOOM" brand pass the stage of high control before they get to the consumer.


List of the main stages of the final inspection of the protective film of “ZOOM” brand:

- thickness, mm;

- width, mm;

- roll diameter, mm;

- length of the rolling, MP;

- mass of the adhesive per 1m2, g/m2

- adhesion  (20 min, 1 h, 1 day, 3 days, 7 days) g/25mm;

- cohesion at a temperature of 70 ℃, %.